Difference between variables and attributes data

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133500642


  1. Discuss the difference between assignable cause variation and common cause variation.
  2. Discuss the difference between variables and attributes data.
  3. Discuss how it is possible for a process to be in control and yet produce a large percentage of nonconforming product.
  4. Discuss the difference between a Type I error and a Type II error.
  5. Under what circumstances might it be more appropriate to use 2 sigma control limits on a control chart rather than 3 sigma limits?
  6. Discuss what the term "out of control" means.
  7. How does a control chart signal that the process being monitored may be out of control?
  8. When is it preferable to use an attributes control chart instead of a variables control chart?
  9. What is the difference between the p-chart and the np-chart?
  10. What are the circumstances that require the use of Cpk rather than Cp as a measure of process capability?
  11. Under what circumstances would Cp and Cpk be the same?
  12. How does a delta chart differ from an x-bar chart? Under what conditions should a delta chart be used instead of an x-bar chart?
  13. When should an s-chart be used instead of a range chart?
  14. What is the appropriate control chart(s) to use to track the number of gallons of gasoline produced on a daily basis in a petroleum refinery?
  15. Does being in control always mean that a process is producing few defective items?
  16. What would be some possible explanations for a rising trend on an x-bar chart used to monitor moisture content in product emerging from a drying oven?
  17. How might shift-to-shift variation in the set-up of a process manifest itself in a control chart?

Reference no: EM133500642

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