Difference between universal and means-tested programs

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Reference no: EM132428314 , Length: 2

Be between 500 and 700 words, approximately 2 double-spaced pages

  • Use proper citation and references (see instructions for written assignments below)
  • Sources students use should be retrieved from that week's resources (readings, films, radio clips, lectures, current events, newspaper articles, etc.).
  • Outside readings or sources are not necessary, except where requested.
  • Use correct grammar and spelling.

Use your own words.

  1. Describe the differences between universal and means-tested programs.
  2. What are the arguments for and against universal and means-tested programs.
  3. Using the attached chartPreview the document, classify each of the programs below by the basis of their allocation (universalism vs. means-testing) and by the nature of their delivery (cash, vouchers, or in-kind (goods/services).)
  4. TANF, Social Security, public education, Head Start, Food Stamps (SNAP), Section 8 housing program, and public housing.
  5. In addition to these programs, identify two programs or services provided at your field placement - where in this table would you place these services?
  6. Make sure to explain the rationale behind your decisions with regards to all of the policies.

Reference no: EM132428314

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