Reference no: EM132152135
Assignment -
You are developing this proposal but some work still to be done. There is a little bit of a mismatch between your title, aim, research focus and the methods. They are coming together but it is not overly clear. Some more time ensuring you understand the methods you are proposing.
Requirements -
You could have spent some more time on: why this topic? There is no reference back to the existing literature.
You mention "unstructured interviews". Are you sure about this? Do you understand the difference between semi-structured and unstructured? Be careful with the terminology and ensure you are choosing the right method for what you are trying to do.
You needed to explain why you are using the interpretivist paradigm - what is it? why is it applicable here? Good you are thinking about it, but you must explain and justify this approach.
Why Indian students? Why not other Indian immigrants? Think about the population you are sampling from - what type of people are they? Highly educated and high socio-economic group. This will give you potentially a very particular view of Maggi noodles. Also likely to be a very small age range. This is ok, but justify why you are doing this.
Other Information -
1. Tell me the Research problem/gap you are addressing.
2. You will use accurate Research based terminology theoretical concepts and academic references to describe and justify your chosen method/design.
3. You must argue that your selected research method is an appropriate approach for conducting research to address your research problem/gap.
4. You must also justify your research design as well comprehensively explaining and justifying your chosen data collection method.
Sample Selection Framework -
1. Introduction (Introduce your topic area, define terms).
2. Background (Literature Review)- Review of existing empirical studies, critically appraise.
3. AIM - (Purpose statement/Research question/hypothesis)
4. Methods - (Approach, design, Method, Sampling, Analysis)
5. Strength and Limitation (of method you have chosen)
6. Value
7. Conclusion
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