Difference between reinforcement and punishment

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Reference no: EM133286030


1. Choose the statement that BEST describes the difference between reinforcement and punishment.

A. There is positive and negative reinforcement, but only negative punishment.

B. Punishment teaches what behaviors to avoid as well as alternative responses.

C. Reinforcers, but not punishments, must be specific and immediate to be effective.

D. Punishment decreases behavior and reinforcement increases a response.

2. When exploring a new park for the first time you likely notice where the benches and picnic areas are, how crowded the walkway is, and how nice the landscaping is laid out. Noticing all these different aspects of your environment means you are using the first step in memory, known as:

A. encoding.

B. storing.

C. retrieving.

D. rehearsing.

3. Which is true about reinforcement?

A. It always involves the presentation of a desirable stimulus.

B. Its only purpose is to help an organism avoid danger and pain.

C. Negative always means something is removed from the situation.

D. If one person finds something reinforcing, another always will.

4. Of the following questions, which is not utilizing deep processing of written text?

A. How does it affect my life?

B. How many words does it contain?

C. How does it relate to information I already know?

D. What are its most important points?

5. Classical conditioning occurs when there is a connection between two _____ that occur together such that one predicts the other.

A. responses

B. behaviors

C. organisms

D. stimuli

6. On Thursdays, Emmaleigh gets paid, and on Fridays she checks her account at the bank to make sure the money is there. Which schedule of reinforement BEST describes her behavior?

A. variable ratio

B. fixed ratio

C. variable interval

D. fixed interval

7. When wanting to enhance memory, using a strategy like a Mnemonic, is useful.



8. Typically, when an exam has essay or short answer questions they are testing for _________, while multiple choice questions test ________.

A. priming; recall

B. recognition; recall

C. retrieval; recognition

D. recall; recognition

9. The capacity of long-term memory is assumed by most experts to:

A. depend entirely on one's age.

B. depend on one's gender.

C. be limitless.

D. be finite like a computer memory storage device.

10. Which strategy below is an example of chunking?

A. repeating a long list of about 20 separate items to buy at the store

B. learning a country line dance as a series of individual steps

C. remembering a shopping list as taco ingredients, laundry items, and toiletries

D. seeing a chess game as a collection of isolated pieces and moves

Reference no: EM133286030

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