Difference between product and service

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133292767



1- Comparative analysis of different methods of process (Job shop vs. Continuous process)?

2- The difference between product and service. example?

Reference no: EM133292767

Questions Cloud

Discuss which is better for a business environment : Closing-conclude your thoughts providing a summary of the situations and discuss which is better for a business environment.
Discuss a time when you have implemented a design : What are the critical components of an instructional design implementation? Discuss a time when you have implemented a design. Was it successful or not? Why?
How an understanding of key cross-cultural issues : Explain how an understanding of key cross-cultural issues is important in providing employee motivation and leadership.
How did the guidelines made by international monetary fund : How did the guidelines made by International Monetary Fund for Haiti to recover from the crisis affect the country's financial condition?
Difference between product and service : Comparative analysis of different methods of process (Job shop vs. Continuous process)? The difference between product and service. example?
Which kelloggs company failed to protect consumers : What is a recent or current event in which Kellogg's Company failed to protect consumers? What were the failures? Who were the victims?
What is definition of the brand personality : What is your definition of the "brand personality" of this recent purchase--as compared to the definitions stated in the chapter by Stanford's Jennifer Aaker?
Evaluate the methodology for state farms research : Evaluate the methodology for State Farm's research. If you were State Farm, how would you address the concerns of transportation engineers?
Explore the dynamics behind the negotiations : This article briefly explores the dynamics behind negotiations that saw Finland's phone giant join forces with icon of US technology and software, Microsoft.


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