Difference between private, public and protected variables

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM132758


(a) Inscribe detailed notes related to Object-Oriented Concepts on the following-

(i) Class and object definitions
(ii) Class declaration
(iii) Encapsulation and abstraction
(iv) The two key advantages of encapsulation
(v) Constructor

(b) Make different between private, public and protected variables.

(c) A bank needs to keep records (Account Number, Date of opening, Names of account holder, Address, current balance) of customer accounts. The class should contain two methods (Input_Account and Display_Account) that allow the input and display of information for an account.

(i) Describe required class interface for account.
(ii) Write down the above mentioned methods as well as other important methods (constructor and destructor) implementations and hence, the major program.


(a) Discuss 2 reasons why programmers in industry prefer to use linked lists instead of arrays.

(b) Write 1 program to perform the following tasks
(i) Create and exhibit a linked list of integer numbers
(ii) Search an integer number from the list and delete it.

Use functions for each implementation of above tasks.


(a) Distinguish between stacks and queues in data structures.

(b) Using Linked list implementation of queue, write one C++ program to do the following-

(i) Generate a new queue and enter integer numbers
(ii) Display the queue
(iii) Remove an integer number from the queue.

The node and maintenance have to be implemented using classes.


Reference no: EM132758

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