Difference between operations management and scm

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133205399 , Length: Word count: 1 Page

Assignment Task: Review the following textbook and respond the following questions.

Toyota Supply Chain Management - A Strategic Approach To The Principles Of Toyota's Renowned System By Ananth V. Iyer, Sridhar Seshadri, Roy Vasher

1. Summarize from the text and the Toyota tour:

a. What is the major difference between operations management and SCM?

b. How is the view of the "supplier" and the "customer" different in the operations and SCM perspective?

c. Going on the tour and reading the text, provide 3 ways Toyota utilizes SCM?

d. Provide 3 ways Toyota utilizes operations management?

e. What are the number and types of Muda? How/where on the plant did you see Toyota address any of the (5) types wastes?

Reference no: EM133205399

Questions Cloud

Discussion - power of advertising and product liability law : Determine whether each administrative agency is generally proactive or reactive. Provide one specific example within the last year from each agency
How the organization or agency contributes to public health : NURS 4060 Capella University. How the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity and improves.
Describe the competitive positioning you face : Describe competitive positioning you face and are going to take, the tradeoffs you face with differentiation, the cost, and any pricing options you might offer
Identify the employment law issues : Identify the employment law issues. Include perspectives of both the employee/independent contractor and employer
Difference between operations management and scm : What is the major difference between operations management and SCM? Provide 3 ways Toyota utilizes operations management?
Determine how intellectual property should : Determine how intellectual property should be protected and Examine if intellectual protections ever go too far
Estimate of the current net realizable value : As you know, your textbook also described two ways (1. Income statement approach and 2. Balance Sheet approach), which are the most common 2 different approache
Identify and clearly define the relevant law : Identify and clearly define the relevant law, either defining a legal doctrine, provisions of a law, or elements of a specific cause of action
Project and budgetary cost control techniques : Explain the process of and necessity of Earned Value analysis as a project time and cost control method and as part of this process discuss how you feel BIM may


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