Difference between net cash provided by operating activities

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13164491

• Eat at My Restaurant - Cash Flow

Read and complete case study 10-10, "Eat at My Restaurant" in your text. Address the following elements, which are also "required" elements at the end of the case study:

• Comment on the difference between net cash provided by operating activities and net income. Speculate on which number is likely to be the better indicator of long-term profitability.

• Comment on the data reviewed for each firm.

• Do any of these firms appear to have a cash flow problem?

Your answers should be in an essay form with an introduction and conclusion; ensure you are addressing each element clearly and thoroughly, following these guidelines:

• Requirement (a) of the problem should be answered in general terms; you do not need to consider the 3 firms in the case. However, you do need to make a choice and rationalize that choice.

• When addressing requirement (b), you should make AT LEAST 4 observations on each firm, focusing on the cash flow ratios provided.

• All information should be considered when answering requirement (c). Even if you don't think any one company is in "trouble," you should still choose a company and support your choice.

Your paper should be 3-5 pages long and must follow APA-Guidelines and ensure you include your reference.

Reference no: EM13164491

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