Difference between job analysis and market analysis

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133439248


1. What impact does job analysis and job evaluation have on the creation of gender neutral pay strategies?

2. In your own employment experience have you noticed possible examples of gender bias in compensation?

3. What is the difference between job analysis and market analysis?

4. How does job evaluation assist in the creation of an effective compensation strategy?

Multiple choice:

1. Your task is to persuade an executive to design a job evaluation system using the point method. What would be the focal point of your argument?

a. The point method has a high degree of accuracy in measuring jobs.

b. The point method includes performance management.

c. The point method is simple to use.

d. The point method is the only system recognized by employment equity legislation.

2. Which of the following takes place once the job evaluation system has been finalized?

a. compensable factors are weighed

b. all jobs are scored

c. factor degrees are analyzed

d. factor weightings are measured

3. One of the greatest benefits of using a point method of job evaluation is that it is statistically scientific.

a. True

b. False

4. Which of the following should be avoided when using the point method of job evaluation?

a. benchmarking

b. factor overlap

c. equal interval approach

d. enlargement of pay grid

5. Which term refers to the differences between the range midpoints of adjacent pay grades in a pay structure expressed by dollars?

a. range spread

b. broadbands

c. split pay range

d. intergrade differentials

6. In a point method of job evaluation, large pay range overlaps are preferred.

a. True

b. False

7. According to your textbook, the terms job evaluation and job analysis are interchangeable.

a. True

b. False

8. Which of the following best defines a benchmark job?

a. It is a job in the firm's job evaluation system for which there is a good match in the labour market data.

b. It is a job in the market data that matches a pay overlap.

c. It is the job in the organization that has a regression line equal to (1) on the pay policy line.

d. It is the job that is adjusted to the market line for the intended pay level.

9. A "match the market" pay strategy means all jobs in the organization will actually match the market.

a. True

b. False

10. According to the U.S. Department of Labor's Directory of Occupational Titles, a "dog pound attendant" was rated a higher skill level than a "child care worker."

a. True

b. False

11. Why should pay grades be used in a job evaluation system?

a. Pay grades reduce pay equity liability.

b. Pay grades make payroll a simpler process.

c. Pay grades acknowledge that job evaluation is essentially a subjective process.

d. Pay grades acknowledge that job evaluation is essentially an objective process.

12. In order to establish a midpoint of the pay range you must first convert the market line into a pay line policy.

a. True

b. False

13. One possible gender bias of job evaluation systems is the job descriptions themselves.

a. True

b. False

Reference no: EM133439248

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