Difference between interest groups and political parties

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133456500


Chapter 7

1. Identify the fundamental difference between interest groups and political parties.

2. Explain the problem of resource constraint in African American interest group lobbying in Washington.

3. Discuss the differences between the rights-based and material-based issues on the `` Black Agenda.'' What issues have received the most attention from African American elected officials?

4. Trace the symbiotic and conflictual relationships historically between the African American and women's freedom movements in the United States.

5. What is the state of black nationalist movement in relation to interest group formation and activities? Define and discuss, highlighting the black nationalist programs of Bishop Henry M. Turner, Marcus Garvey, and Louis Farrakhan.

Chapter 8.

1. For most of African American history, why has the American party system been a one-party system?

2. Explain the concept of the black vote as the balance of power in presidential elections.

3.Discuss the role of Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party ( MFDP) and its challenges to the all-white Mississippi delegation at the 1964 convention. How did their efforts advance universal freedom for African Americans and political party participation?

4. Describe the presidential campaign coalitions of Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama. Are there significant similarities or differences ? Explain using examples.

5. Discuss the concept of deracialization as the campaign strategy of African Americans running for office in majority white places. What is the implication for universal freedom?

Reference no: EM133456500

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