Difference between inductive and deductive reasoning

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Reference no: EM132556321

Part 1

1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of leaving the primary responsibility for police protection to local governments versus the federal or state government?

Part 2

What is the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning?

What is the benefit of doing a neighborhood canvass after a crime is committed?

Name the five crime scene search patterns.

What are the benefits of documenting interrogations?

Part 3

Chapter 2 OER

1. What are the two primary classification of evidence used in criminal cases? Define them, and give an example of each type of evidence.

2. What two tools can parties use to meet the burden of proof? Define both of the tools. Provide an example of each tool.

3. What is meant by diversity of State Laws?

A. Name an example of diversity of state law provided in the book?

B. Pick an example of diversity of state law from the book. Do you agree with the state's position? Why or why not?

Chapter 3 OER

1. Brad was convicted of possession of cocaine and sentenced to 5 years in prison in 2019. In 2020, the state legislature passed a law making possession of cocaine a misdemeanor.

Cliff was arrested for a misdemeanor assault when he tried to choke his wife during a domestic dispute in 2019. In 2020, the state passed a law making choking a felony. Cliff has not been tried or convicted of the assault.

A. What type of law, prohibited by the Constitution, is relevant for consideration for Brad and Cliff?

B. What is the definition of this law?

C. Can Brad have his sentence reduced to a misdemeanor and be released from prison? Why or why not? Explain your answer in detail.

D. Can the prosecutor charge Cliff with a felony? Why or why not. Explain your answer in detail.

Part 4

Chapter 7 - State v. Ellis

List all the actions taken by the resident assistants and the Central State Police Department officers that invaded Ellis's Fourth Amendment right of privacy in his dorm room.

Explain why the court's interrogation of resident assistants' actions was consistent with reasonable Fourth Amendment searches but the police officers' actions were unreasonable. Do you agree? Defend your answer.

Interrogate Ellis's Fourth Amendment privacy ideal from his standpoint. Back up your answer.

As they relate to the special needs/privacy ideal, should it matter whether the resident assistants, campus police, or city police conducted the search? Defend your answer.

Chapter 8 - Miranda v. Arizona

According to SCOTUS, what do the words "custody" and "interrogation" mean?

Why is custodial interrogation "inherently coercive," according to the majority?

Identify and explain the criteria for waiving the right against self-incrimination in custodial interrogation.

On what grounds do the dissenters disagree with the majority's decision? What interests are in conflict, according to the Court?

How do the majority and the dissent explain the balance of interests established by the Constitution?

Which is more consistent with the relevant criminal procedures ideals regarding the law of police interrogation, the majority's bright-line rule, requiring warnings, or the dissent's due process test, weighing the totality of circumstances on a case-by-case basis? Defend your answer.

Reference no: EM132556321

Questions Cloud

Complaining about yelling and screaming : You are a city police officer. You respond to a call where the neighbors are complaining about yelling and screaming from the next apartment.
The courts to ensure fundamental fairness : Identify what options are available to the courts to ensure the fundamental fairness that may be threatened by media exposure.
Pressing issue regarding homeland security : Today, the most pressing issue regarding homeland security is the safeguard of civil rights and civil liberties
Critique design of evaluation : Critique the design of an evaluation by describing what evaluability means and why proper evaluability is so fundamental to the success of any specific project
Difference between inductive and deductive reasoning : What is the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning? What are the benefits of documenting interrogations?
Dna evidence collected pursuant to criminal investigations : The purpose of improving the processing and examination of DNA evidence collected pursuant to criminal investigations in your local police department.
Concept of homeland security : Given historical context behind the concept of Homeland Security, and after reviewing the foundational documents that created Department of Homeland Security
Health care facility take to reduce risk : Identify what are two of the top 10 safety concerns for hospitals. What steps can a health care facility take to reduce risk for its organization?
How organizations manage ethics in today environment : Provide your views on how organizations manage ethics in today's environment. Utilize an organization that you are familiar with.


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