Reference no: EM133347206
Sentences, an academic demonstration of your comprehension of the Outcome. The fifth outcome requires you to formulate a thesis (statement) regarding the subject matter of that particular chapter; the thesis statement should contain an AGENT (who or what), an ACTION (the activity in question), and a MORAL JUDGMENT (it's morally good or bad, right or wrong, etc.) and underline it, for example, "Jaywalking, as a form of civil disobedience is morally wrong." Then go on to support your thesis implementing one of the eight theories (frameworks) egoism, hedonism, naturalism and virtue theory, existentialism, Kantianism, utilitarianism, contractualism and religion.
1. Recognize the difference between drug addiction and drug dependence.
2. Understand more clearly the "alizatons" of drug use (legalization, criminalization, decriminalization).
3. To help individuals understand their own stand on gun control.
4. Gain insight regarding the limits of personal liberty.
5. Develop a thesis statement focusing on "personal liberties" What two frameworks/theories (of the eight we have studied) would most support your thesis?