Difference between determinism and hard determinism

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133612674


Have you had personal experience with a so called "AI" that temporarily fooled you into thinking it was a person?*

How has that impacted you?

Consider the following argument

1. If mind is identical with the human brain (meaning every different type of thought or feeling is identical with some specific type of physical occurrence in the brain), then ONLY human beings would have minds.

2. There are non-human creatures or systems that have minds but do not have human brains (or at least it is conceivable that non-human minds could exist).

3. Therefore, mind is not identical with the human brain.

Do you think free will exists? Why or why not?

This is an open-ended question asking for your own opinion. It may be that you change your view in a couple weeks after we have examined various positions on the free will problem.

What's the difference between determinism and hard determinism?

If three other people have answered this question already, then do not post to this thread unless you have something new to add, or if you have an objection or question to ask a previous poster.)

Here is a quotation from the excerpted article by Campbell:

"When we decide to exert moral effort to resist a temptation, we feel quite certain that we could withhold the effort; just as, if we decide to withhold the effort and yield to our desires, we feel quite certain that we could exert it - otherwise we should not blame ourselves afterwards for having succumbed."

On what page of our Moodle reading is this quotation found?

Do you agree with what Campbell is saying here? Why?

Reference no: EM133612674

Questions Cloud

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