Difference between descriptive and inferential statistics

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM1384595

Conceptual Questions

  1. What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics?
  2. What are the five overall steps to the research process (also called issues in research)?
  3. Why is it important to know the type of measure or measurement scale that is being used? (e.g. discrete vs. continuous data, interval/ratio, etc. )


Complete the steps and answer the questions.

Dr. Bark is interested in the different ways that people interact with their pets, specifically how long people talk to their pets, comparing dog and cat owners. She randomly selected two samples of pet owners from a pool of volunteers, 12 people that own dogs and 15 people that own cats. Each human/pet pair was placed one at a time in a lab room. Each pair was observed for ten minutes and the total amount of time that the person spent talking to their pet was recorded. (Remember that a person might not have talked to their pet at all.) The data is presented below.

Minutes spent talking to pets

Cat Owners
















Dog Owners














Research Question: Formulate a research question that could be answered using this data (Note: There are a number of possible questions that can be answered)

Research Methods and Analyses:

Hand Calculations (This is what I need help with. I have no idea how to do my hand calculations. Can someone help me please)

  • Indicate what type of variables you have. Qualitative or Quantitative? Discrete or Continuous?
  • Indicate what type of measurement scale is being used. 

Reference no: EM1384595

Questions Cloud

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Difference between descriptive and inferential statistics : What type of variables you have. Qualitative or Quantitative and indicate what type of measurement scale is being used.
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