Reference no: EM132835815
1.) Briefly describe the difference between deductive and inductive logic. Be sure to discuss the difference between truth and validity.
2.) Give an example of a deductive argument and indicate if it is true/valid.
3.) Give and example of an inductive argument and please indicate if there is a fallacy involved.
4.) What is the difference between causation and correlation? Use an example to illustrate the four logical possibilities of any two or three variables (X, Y, and Z)
5.) Fill in the missing premises.
a.) She is pro-choice, so she must be a liberal
6.) What conclusion follows from the following premises?
a.) P: 1 If I don't study for this exam, I will fail it.
P: 2 I failed it
7.) What fallacies are the following?
a.) I use the makeup Jennifer Lopez uses, of course!
b.) As my students, you are free to disagree with me, but as your teacher I am free to grade you accordingly.
c.) I am afraid this new college I am attending is a very sexist institution. I am taking two courses, and neither of them is taught by a woman.
d.) If assisted suicide becomes legal, doctors who perform it will eventually lose some of their respect for human life, and they will become less conscientious in their work.
e.) There can't be any truth to the science of evolution, since most people who believe it are atheists.
8.) Identify a fallacy that has occurred in your life, either presently or in the past. Give a brief description of the context in which your fallacy occurred.