Reference no: EM13893524
To prepare for this assignment:
• Review the article "Clinical Versus Actuarial Judgment." Pay particular attention to the cases involving each type of judgment.
• Focus on clinical versus actuarial judgment.
• Think about a decision you made using clinical judgment. Consider whether actuarial judgment would have helped you make a better decision.
• Think about a decision you made using actuarial judgment. Consider whether clinical judgment would have helped you make a better decision.
• Consider in what circumstances actuarial judgment is more helpful to you and in what circumstances clinical judgment is more helpful to you.
The assignment (1-2 pages): (Not including Title or Refernce Page) APA Format
• Briefly explain the difference between clinical and actuarial judgment.
• Describe a decision you made using clinical judgment and explain why you used this type of judgment. Then explain how actuarial judgment may or may not have helped you make a better decision. Be specific.
• Describe a decision you made using actuarial judgment, and explain why you used this type of judgment. Then explain how clinical judgment may or may not have helped you make a better decision. Be specific.
• Briefly explain your position regarding which approach to judgment (climical or actuarial) seems to be most helpful for you, in what circumstances is is most helpful, and why the judgment you chose is most helpful
Article Reference
• Article: Dawes, R. M., Faust, D., & Meehl, P. E. (1989). Clinical versus actuarial judgment.Science, 243(4899), 1668-1675.