Difference between classical and operant conditioning

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133376383


1. Summarize the ideas presented in "The difference between classical and operant conditioning". Using both this video and your textbook, provide detailed overviews of classical conditioning and operant conditioning, including how each shapes voluntary or involuntary behaviors. Provide an example from your own life of a time your behavior has been shaped by classical conditioning and an example of a time your behavior has been shaped by operant conditioning. Watch "The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder" and discuss how classical conditioning may be involved with the experience of post-traumatic stress disorder.

2. Watch the "False Memories" and Robert Nash's "Why you should doubt your memories" videos and discuss the main points in detail. Your textbook describes memory as a reconstructive process- what does this mean? Describe some ways the brain generates memory. How do the videos illustrate the reconstructive nature of memory? Describe research surrounding "rich false memories" as outlined in your textbook. Does the reconstructive nature and malleability of memory surprise you? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133376383

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