Reference no: EM132136119
1. Organizational Culture & Organizational Structure and Design ( Fundamental of managements text book)
1. Application of the strengths and limitations of a strong organizational culture
2. Application of the requirements to create and maintain an organization’s culture
3. Application of co-workers as socialization agents within organizations, including the advantages and disadvantages
2. Which of the following is a difference between business markets and consumer markets ?
a. In business markets, the total demand for goods and services is significantly affected by price changes, whereas in consumer markets, the total demand for goods and services is not significantly affected by price changes.
b. Suppliers in business markets are often expected to customize their products to suit the requirements of individual business customers, whereas suppliers in consumer markets are seldom expected to do so.
c. Purchasing decisions in business markets are made by the end user, whereas purchasing decisions in consumer markets are made by a buying committee.
d. In business markets, buyers usually purchase products through intermediaries, whereas in consumer markets, buyers usually purchase products directly from manufacturers.