Difference between biotic potential and carrying capacity

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133191296 , Length: Word count: 4 Pages

True or False:

1. Harsh environments tend to have more complicated food webs than do those with more favorable conditions.

2. Producers are animals.

3. The open ocean is considered to be a biological desert due to low productivity.

4. Intra-specific competition is competition between the same species while Inter-specific competition is competition between different species.

5. The carrying capacity of a given ecosystem is not static but can change from time to time due to changing environmental conditions.      

6. Using the Scientific Method is critical in determining whether or not there is a God.

7. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that with each success energy transfer, energy is gained.

8. True evolution is genetic in nature.

9. Mangroves are areas where trees grow in salt water.

10. An anthropocentric view separates humans from and places them above nature.

11. One of Charles Darwin's primary themes to his theory on Natural Selection was the concept of survival of the fittest.

12. Pioneer species are those species found at the end of ecological succession while climax species are those found at the beginning of the succession process.

13. A hypothesis is a testable, preliminary explanation while a theory is a general principle supported by an overwhelming body of data widely accepted by the scientific community.

14. Oligotrophic lakes are cold water lakes that are low in nutrients while eutrophic lakes are warm water lakes with high levels of nutrients.

15. The first step of the Scientific Method begins with simple observations.

16. A krumholtz is another word for the timberline.

17. Anthropogenic refers to interactions in nature without human interference.

Essay Questions:

1. What is the difference between biotic potential and carrying capacity?

2. What are three differences between alpine tundra and arctic tundra?

Multiple Choices:

1. Organisms that eat other animals are ____________.

(a) Omnivores  (b) Herbivores  (c) Detritivores  (d) Carnivores  (e) None of the above

2. Organisms that feed on the dead carcasses of larger animals are _________.

(a) Detritivores  (b) Scavengers  (c) Omnivores  (d) Herbivores  (e) None of the above

3. Organisms that eat plants are known as _________.

(a)Herbivores  (b) Scavengers  (c) Decomposers  (d) Carnivores  (e) None of the above

4. Organisms that eat both plants and animals are ________.

(a) Detritivores  (b) Carnivores  (c) Scavengers  (d) Omnivores  (e) None of the above

5. Organisms that eat smaller materials such as litter, dung, debris, and other types on organic matter are __________.

(a) Scavengers  (b) Decomposers  (c) Detritivores  (d) Omnivores  (e) None of the above

6. Organisms that complete the breakdown of the organic material process and the recycling of organic materials are known as _______________.

(a) Decomposers  (b) Scavengers  (c) Detritivores  (d) Omnivores  (e) None of the above

7. The primary producer in Marine ecosystems is ________________.

(a) kelp  (b) phytoplankton  (c) whales  (d) small fish  (e) none of the above

Match the following ways that organisms interact with each other.

1. This situation arises when one species lives on or in another living organism and derives nourishment from that organism.  The host organisms is usually harmed but is generally not killed, at least right away.  An example of this is when mistletoe grows on the branches of tree.

2. This is a situation where one species is benefited and the other one is not harmed.  A good example of this is where tropical orchids (epiphytes) live on the trunks of trees.

3. This is a species whose activities have an inordinate influence on the structure of a community or significantly impact the workings of an ecosystem to a greater extent that would be anticipated based solely on species numbers alone.

4. In this interaction, both organisms are harmed because they compete for the same resource.  This is the most common type of interaction.  An example would be deer and livestock competing for available forage.

5. In this situation, one species captures, kills, and eats another species.  One species is benefited and one is harmed.  An example would be a snake eating a frog.

6. In this situation, both interacting species benefit.  An example would be a bee extracting nectar from flowers.

A.  Predation

B.  Keystone Species

C.  Commensalism

D.  Competition

E.  Parasitism

F.  Mutualism

Identify the Following Terrestrial Biomes:

_________________________. Named for its dominant feature, deciduous trees such as aspen, birch, cottonwoods, beech, maples, and hickory.  Much of this biome has been converted to urban or agricultural use.  It has been substantially fragmented.  It has a long summer growing season and rainfall exceeds evaporation.  In the United States, this biome is mostly found along the east coast.

________________________.This biome consists of dry, arid, generally hot areas.  Rainfall is rare andunpredictable.  This biome is very fragile and disturbances last a very long time.There is no detritial food web here.  Both plants and animals are highly adapted in order to exist in the extreme conditions of this biome.

_________________________. This biome supports a dry environment that contains drought-adapted shrubs and trees.  This is a biologically rich area.  The summers are generally hot and dry while the winters are cool and moist.  This is a highly desired area for human habitation that often leads to conflicts with rare species.  In the United States, this biome is found in southern California.  Fire is a major component here.

_________________________. This is the most biologically diverse and productive of all terrestrial biomes.  It has a year round growing season.  The soil is generally infertile due to leaching by near constant rainfall.  The majority of the energy in this biome is found in the trees, not in the soil.  This biome is being significantly impacted by slash and burn type agriculture.

_________________________. This is a biome in which rainfall is not sufficient to support trees.  Dominant animal species include large grazers including bison and antelope.  Historically, the greatest threat to this biome was the conversion of its rich soils to farmland.  Today, the greatest threats are fire control which is allowing the encroachment of trees, over grazing, and land development.

_________________________. This relatively unproductive biome does not have any trees.  It is characterized by very short, cool summer growing seasons and can freeze any month of the year.  This biome is divided into two sub units based on location and the presence or absence of a perma frost.  Any disturbance in this biome is extremely slow to heal.

_________________________. Some ecologists consider this biome to be a large ecotone.  It consists of grasslands and occasional trees.  It has distinct wet and dry seasons.  Fire is a major component of this biome. Large grazers utilize this biome.

_________________________. This biome is found along the Pacific coast where rainfalland other moisture are abundant. It has a significant detritial food web characterized by the presence of "nurse trees".  Dominant trees include spruce, fir, Douglas fir, hemlock, Redwoods, etc.  This biome is home to the endangered northern spotted owl.

________________________. This biome is found in India, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Africa.  It has adistinct wet and dry season. Water becomes a significant limiting factor during the dry season as ponds and rivers dry up.Large grazers are present here. Vegetation is typical of tropical forests but can give way to an almost savannah type of situation.  The soils have a much higher nutrient value than those of similar biomes.  Less than one percent of the forests associated with this biome remain undisturbed.

_________________________. This biome is dominated by a large mono-culture of spruce, fir, or pine trees. The winters in this biome are long and cold.  Soils are generally poor.  Fire is a significant factor in this biome. It is the largest of all of the terrestrial biomes and circumvents the earth.

More Essays!

1. What is the difference between habitat and niche?

2. List four of Charles Darwin's five basic themes to his theory of Natural Selection.

3. List three of the popular misconceptions to Charles Darwin's theory of Natural Selection.

4. Construct a simple food web.

5. What is the difference between an ecotone and edge?

More Multiple choices:

1. We identified four distinct stages of conservation history.  Which of the following is NOT one of these four stages? _______________.

(a) Pragmatic Resource Conservation  (b) Moral and Aesthetic Nature Preservation  (c) Modern Environmentalism  (d) Global Environmental Citizenship  (e) None of the Above  (f)  All of the above

2. Species that rely on high numbers of off-spring, do not nurture their young, and have few young survive to adulthood are known as _______.

(a)  r-adapted species  (b) k-adapted species  (c)  pioneer species  (d)  climax species  (e) None of the above

3. Species that have few offspring but are known to nurture their young, have relatively few off spring but most reach maturity as known as ______.

(a)  r-adapted species  (b) k-adapted species  (c)  pioneer species  (d)  climax species  (e) dis-climax species  (f) None of the above

4. Marine biomes are ________.

(a) Fresh water ecosystems  (b)  Isolated islands  (a)  Salt water ecosystems  (d)  All of the above  (e)   None of the above

Match the scientist with the accomplishments listed below.

1. In 1798, he published a controversial essay on human population growth.  His theory was that human populations would outstrip food supply resulting in famines, wars, plagues, etc.

2. He proposed that the single factor in shortest supply, relative to demand, is the critical determinant in the distribution of a given species.  This was known as the Law of the Minimum.

3. One of the pioneers of the modern environmental movement, this scientist aroused the public interest in environmental matters with the publication of the book "Silent Spring".

4. This scientist expanded the principle of limiting factors by stating that the environmental has both a minimum and a maximum level of tolerance.  This was known as the Law of Tolerance.

Match the following fresh water wetlands:

Wetlands with trees.

Wetlands without trees.

Areas of saturated ground containing deep layers of accumulated un-decayed vegetation known as Peat.

Similar to Bogs except that they are fed by ground water.

A. Fens

B. Swamps

C. Bogs

D. Marshes 


1. What is dis-climax

2. What are estuaries's and why are they so important?

3. What was the quote by Aldo Leopold regarding the value of species?

4. Construct the photosynthesis equation.

5. What is the difference between an oligotrophic and Eutrophic aquatic system?

Reference no: EM133191296

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