Reference no: EM132808201
Question 1. Fill in the blanks with the name of a disorder that accurately represents the description as well as the corresponding treatment/prevention strategy.
a. _______________:chronic autoimmune disorder that causes abnormal muscle weakness, especially in the muscles of the face and throat.
b. _______________: degenerative disorder that can progress to severe deterioration in memory, language, and motor function.
i. ___________and___________ are possible treatment options (please list 2 generic names from your Top 300 drug flashcards)
c. _______________:disorder characterized by facial and vocal tics, generalized lack of coordination, and urge to utter obscenities.
d. _______________:progressive disorder that can result in weakness, incoordination, paresthesia, speech disturbances, and visual complaints.
e. _______________: fatal infection caused by the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium tetani, which usually enters the body through a contaminated puncture wound.
i. ___________, ___________, ___________and___________ are inactivated vaccines used to prevent this infection (please list 4 brand names from your Top 300 drug flashcards)
f. _______________: hereditary disorder that can lead to chronic, progressive jerky movements and mental deterioration.
g. _______________: degenerative disorder that produces muscle rigidity, akinesia, and involuntary tremor.
i. ___________,___________,and___________ are three possible treatment options (please list 3 generic names from your Top 300 drug flashcards)
Question 2. An 84 year old female presents to clinic with complaints of migraine with aura. The patient has a past medical history of dysphasia and TIA. Rewrite this sentence from the patient's note in lay language, focusing on simplifying the underlined terms.
Question 3. Describe the difference between aphasia, aphonia, and ataxic speech.
Question 4. Your patient is concerned about their mother. The patient believes their mother is starting to have memory impairment. Which radiographic and imaging study can you use to determine brain abnormalities like memory disorders?
Describe the difference between delirium and dementia in lay terms to the patient.
Question 5. In your own words, what is the difference between humoral and cell mediated immunity? Describe the differences between IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE.
Question 6. Compare the 4 types of acquired immunity. Relate the 4 types of immunity to our current pandemic with COVID-19.
a. Natural, active immunity:
b. Natural, passive immunity:
c. Artificial, active immunity:
d. Artificial, passive immunity:
Question 7. Fill in the blanks with the name of a disorder or generic medication (from your top 300 drug flashcards) that accurately represents the description
a. ___________,a dermal eruption that produces deep, large, raised sections of the lips, is a rare but serious adverse reaction of ___________.
b. ___________is a vitamin K antagonist that has an FDA indication for ___________, a blood clot inside a blood vessel.
c. ___________is an aminoquinoline that has an FDA indication for___________, an inflammatory disorder of the connective tissue.
d. ___________,__________,and___________have FDA indications to treat ___________, a skin condition also known as hives.
e. ___________has an FDA indication for emergency treatment of ___________, a dramatic, acute reaction of hives and respiratory distress
f. ___________is an antimetabolite that has an FDA indication for ___________, a systemic inflammatory disease that attacks peripheral joints, tendons, tendons, and blood vessels.