Difference between an essential and nonessential skill

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13855537

Directions: Please answer each of the following questions. Ensure that each response is at least 2 paragraphs in length. Please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for concise APA guidelines.

1. Discuss how such websites as Monster.com, SimplyHired.com, and CareerBuilder.com have changed how companies recruit potential job applicants and how individual applicants look for jobs.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of recuiters providing a realistic job preview to job applicants? What are some instances when realistic job previews should not be used?

3. Visit three different job search websites. Search for a job in a particular region of the United States. Which of the three websites is most useful to job seekers? Explain your answer.

4. What are the characteristics of an effective college recruiter?

5. Read Application Case 7.1: E-Recruiting: Too Much of a Good Thing? in Chapter 7 and answer the following questions.

a) Given the competition for job candidates on the web, what elements would you recommend for an e-campaign that would make a job posting stand out?

b) Would you recommend web-based recruiting to an organization wishing to hire locally? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

c) What systems would you recommend to an organization to prevent inappropriate content from reaching the web? How can an organization balance the desire for speed of action to the need for legal protection?

6. Read Application Case 7.2: Are New Recruits Looking for Work-Life Balance in Chapter 7 and answer the following questions.

a) Why is there a need for companies to offer work-family balance programs such as flex-time, telecommuting, and job sharing?

b) Of the three programs discussed above, which would be the most important program for you personally when deciding whether or not to join an employer? Why?

c) Some organizations do not believe in offering any of these work - life balance programs. What do you think their reasoning is? Explain.

d) What is the difference between an essential and nonessential skill? How are these related to the Americans with Disabilities Act?

7. Why do you think that conscientiousness, one of the Big Five personality dimensions, is such a good predictor of successful job performance across most occupations? Explain your answer.

8. What advice would you give to an applicant who is about to go through a two-day assessment center? How can she prepare?

9. What is the current status of drug testing in American organizations? Do you think drug testing is justifiable? Why?

10. What is the Employee Polygraph Protection Act? What alternatives to polygraphs are organizations using? Are these alternatives effective?

11. Assume that a job applicant has a disability and in this case, it is not clear whether the individual will be able to perform the essential functions of the job. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, is it appropriate to ask such an applicant to submit to a physical examination? Why or why not?

12. Read Application Case 8.2: Online Résumés Are Here to Stay in Chapter 8 and answer the following questions.

a) Why are so many companies shifting to online resumes screening programs to sift through applicants' résumés?

b) Can you think of any disadvantages associated with the use of online resume screening? From the company's perspective? The candidate's perspective?

c) What can job seekers do to improve their chances of making it through the online resume screening process and getting an interview?

Reference no: EM13855537

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