Difference between an electrical synapse-chemical synapse

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133302426


This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should be one or more paragraphs long, depending upon the depth of the question. An answer consisting of only a few short sentences is insufficient and will receive a poor grade. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.

1. Describe the different levels of organization within the peripheral nervous system. Why there are multiple motor divisions but only one sensory division?

2. Describe the difference in the function of hyperpolarization in action potentials vs. hyperpolarization in graded potentials.

3. Explain the difference between an electrical synapse and a chemical synapse. Which types of tissues will use electrical synapses? Which tissues use chemical synapses?

4. Discuss the primary functions of cerebrospinal fluid. How does the arrangement of the CSF network facilitate the spread of diseases such as meningitis throughout the nervous system?

5. Discusses the importance of sleep to healthy human physiology. Discuss the stages of sleep and what consequences may result from interrupting sleep in various stages.

Reference no: EM133302426

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