Difference between a problem and an opportunity

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13751830

Creating the Brain and Nervous System for Delta Airlines By Angela Klein

Case Questions

1. What was the problems and/or opportunities facing Delta in late 1997? What is the difference between a problem and an opportunity?

2. Who were the stakeholders in this new system?

3. Given the traditional options in software development (i.e. Buy, Build, Re-Engineer, Enhance, or leave alone), what did Delta choose? In your opinion was the decision a correct one?

4. What were the requirements for the new system?

5. Did the new system meet the needs of the user and satisfy the objectives of the business? Explain your views completely.

6. How did Delta know that the Nervous System was a success? Give measurements of success (Critical Success Factors) of the new system.

7. As a project manager, what would by your biggest concern during implementation?

Reference no: EM13751830

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