Difference between a distributor and distribution

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133237288


Answer the ff questions:

1. What is the difference between a "distributor" and "distribution?"

2. Describe the difference between a centralized and decentralized distribution system?

3. Identify the channel players that constitute the typical supply chain.

4. Describe the main players in the e-business channel format.

5. What are the three critical distribution problems solved by effectively designed distribution channels?

6. Describe the four channel service outputs.

7. What are the channel transaction flows performed by supply chain entities?

8. Describe the nature of supply chain inventories and demand flows.

9. Describe the options in the environmental sustainability reverse logistics hierarchy.

10. Manufacturers with distribution functions are organized according to one of three possible methods except:

A. Processed based

B. Market Based

C. Channel Based

D. Consumer Based

11. Manufacturer channel formats are described as follows but not:

A. Factory direct

B. Sales branches and offices

C. Consignment-blocker inventories

D. Manufacturer's outlets

12. Merchant full-service wholesalers provides a wide range of products and services to the customer. Besides stocking inventory and maintaining a sales force, they perform other value-added functionssuch as sales order management, credit, transportation, EDI, and Web communications. It does not include___________________ in the sub format grouping

A. Wholesale merchants

B. Industrial distributors

C. Specialty wholesalers

D. ash-and-carry wholesalers

13. Limited-service wholesalers are characterized by the fact that they offer a limited range ofproducts and services to their customers. There are several kinds of distributor formats in this subgroup but does not include:

A. Drop Shippers

B. Rack Jobbers

C. Mail order wholesalers

D. General-line wholesalers

14. 1st statement: Consortia Trading Exchange (CTX) are Web-based trading communities hosted by asingle company that recommends or requires trading partners participate as a condition of doingbusiness. 2nd statement: Private Trading Exchanges (PTX) are described as a some-to many networkconsisting of a few powerful companies organized along with their trading partners.

A. 1st statement is correct and 2nd statement is wrong

B. 1st statement is wrong and 2nd statement is correct

C. 1st statement is wrong and 2nd statement is correct

D. Both statements are wrong

Reference no: EM133237288

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