Diferences between miscibility and solubility

Assignment Help Chemistry
Reference no: EM132753727

1. What are the similarities and diferences between miscibility and solubility?

2. What are the differences and similarities between molarity and molality? What are the disadvantages and advantage sof each unit?

3. Every pure substance has a definite and fixed set of physical and chemical properties. A solution is prepared by dissolving one pure substance in another. Is it reasonable to expect that the solution will also have a definite and fixed set of properties that are different from the properties of either component? Explain ur answer.

4. Describe the forces that promote the dissolving of a solid solute in a liquid solvent.

5. Which of the following solutes do u expect to be more soluble in water than in cychlohexane: (a) formic acid, (b) benzene, (c) methylamine, (d) tetrafluoramethane? Explain ur choice.

6. How mang grams of ammonium nitrate must be weighed out to make 415 g of 58.0% by mass solution? In how many milliliters of water should it be dissolved?

7. Large quantities of silver nitrate are used in making photographic chemicals. Find the mass that mist be used in preparing 2.50 * 10^2 mL of 0.058 M silver nitrate.

8. Despite its intense purple color, potassium permanganate is used in bleaching operations. How many moles are un 25.0 mL of 0.0841 M KMnO4?

9. Calculate the molal concentration of a solution of 44.9 g of naphthalene, C10H8, in 175 g of benzene, C6H6.

10. What is the molarity of the acetic acid solution if 45.0 mL of 17 M HC2H3O2 is diluted to 1.5 L?

11. Calculate the mass in grams of magnesium hydroxide that will precipitate from 25.0 mL of 0.398 M magnesium chloride by the addition of excess sodium hydroxide solution.

12. The equation for a reaction by which a solution of sofium carbonate may be standardized is 2 HC7H5O2 + Na2CO4 -> 2 NaC7H5O2+H2O+CO2. A student determines that 5.038 g of HC7H5O2 uses 52.89 mL of the sodium carbonate solution in the titration. Find the molarity of the sodium carbonate.

Reference no: EM132753727

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