Diet to improve their nutritional status

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133424473


You will need to work with a partner--it is up to you to seek out contact with your partner! Please let me know if your partner is not responding to you. You will keep track of everything you eat and drink (and the amounts) for 3 consecutive days (including one weekend day) using the form below and then give it to your partner. Then you will assess your partner's diet. You will need to discuss the good parts of your partner's diet (what they're doing well) and also discuss what, in your opinion, they could do better. These papers will only be seen by me

Describe, in detail, the strengths of your partner's diet. Please be sure to assess macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, sugar intake, water, fiber, etc.

Discuss what you think your partner could do with their diet to improve their nutritional status.

Reference no: EM133424473

Questions Cloud

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