Reference no: EM133288139
Many of us grew up seeing only our homogeneous neighborhoods, experiencing only our local cultures and religious traditions, and learning right and wrong from our families.
If we fast-forward to the 21st century, the change is remarkable. Advances in transportation, communication, and the Internet have shrunk the planet. These, with immigration and multinational companies, have produced an unprecedented mixing of peoples and cultures. Today most neighborhoods are integrated. We all have friends, and even relatives, of diverse races, religions, ethnic groups, or sexual orientations. Diversity has replaced homogeneity.
How can diverse people learn to live together? How can our multicultural world find common values? The answer is that, despite some sharp differences (for example, about arranged marriages), good people from diverse groups tend to have some deep values in common. One shared value is The Golden Rule. Insofar as we agree on this, and put this agreement into practice, we have a good chance to learn to live together harmoniously. Accordingly, we need to understand, celebrate, and practice this common value.
The Golden Rule includes the practice of listening carefully, being fair, showing respect, and not distorting the truth. It includes not generalizing from a few bad cases and not comparing the best of one faith and the worst of another. Practicing the Golden Rule means not denying or ignoring the differences between faiths. If you search the Web for "golden rule religions," you'll find many pages listing Golden Rules from various religions. Such pages are becoming more numerous, as people discover that The Golden Rule is common to most religions. This is wonderful.
Adapted from Bibliographic details for Understanding the Golden Rule/Religious and Cultural Origins of the Golden Rule
Can you answer this question? f
Answer the question in your Reading Folder. Write your response to the following questions in 5-8 sentences in your Reading Folder.
Did you learn "The Golden Rule"? Who taught it to you, and what is the source of the rule? Write about the values that you have learned that may be similar to this rule. What practices have you followed in your life?