Did the person who avoided paying tax do so properly

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133359053

Question: Do you have any experience with tax preparation or completing your own tax return? (Please keep personal financial details confidential.) What did you learn or find interesting? If not, what do you want to learn from this course?

The article linked below as well as your required reading talks about fraud based on IRS guidelines. Discuss the distinction between tax evasion and tax avoidance. People may make mistakes with their taxes. This may be unintentional. However, others deliberately try to avoid paying taxes. Find examples of individuals who underreported or falsely reported information to reduce their taxes. Find a current example within the last five years and address the following:

Did the person who avoided paying tax do so properly?
What legal ways could the tax evader have used to avoid being accused of tax evasion?
Explain the proper way to avoid paying tax using a tax planning approach.


Reference no: EM133359053

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