Reference no: EM13894009
Career Exploration Paper-
The goal of this assignment is to give the opportunity to explore in detail a cutter of your choice. The paper should be 3-5 (includes reference page) pages in length and double-spaced. A visit to the campus library is highly recommended as preparation and resource for this paper. The library maintains a copy of the Occupational Outlook Handbook. United States. Dept. of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This reference has the latest statistical and other information on almost every career. The reference may also be accessed online at This site also provides links to other resources for your search.
Part 1: Introduction: Personal Assessment
In the introductory section of your paper, explain how you came to decide on this career for your research. Did someone inspire you to follow this career path? Are specific personality types or skills required for this career? Describe your personality type and discuss why you believe this career is a match for your personality, interests and values. If you are not sure, try to think of what draws you to this career. The career you chose to research may or may not live up to your ideal.
Part 2: Requirements for entry into sour career.
In this section, detail the education, experience, licenses and skills necessary of the vaster. Most of this information may be located via the Web on the Bureau of Labor Statistics site. From interviews with people in the field, you should also get the unwritten rules of entry into this profession. What majors are recommended? What are related occupations for this caster?
Part 3: Describe the job.
Include the physical environment, time schedule, location, salary, benefits. Interview someone employed in this Geld. What do they like/dislike about their job? What advice would they give you? What do you think you will like or dislike about this occupantion? What is the typical pay'? What is the current job outlook? (try to locate the most current information). What are the growth opportunities?
Part 4: Describe the Profusion today.
You may want to include a brief history of your career choice here. What are some current issues or changes in this field? You will need to find some current journals or interview someone.
Part 5: From here to there.
What do you need to do to get from MIX to this career? Outline the steps you will take including specifics on transfer institutions if applicable) and possible employers. What colleges offer the required majors? Who are the big employers in this field? Will you have to move? What are the major obstacles you anticipate and how will you overcome them? What are some resources you can use to assist you get there? Mention some professional associations you can join while still a student.
Part 6: Works cited.
For every resource you use, provide a citation in MLA format. (Author. Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date) in the reference page of your paper (last page of paper).
The example below is the same source. The top sample is the print format. The bottom sample is the online format:
United States Dept. of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statham. "Librarians." Occupational Outlook Handbook. Library ed. Washington. GPO, 2011. 266-269. Print.
"Librarians." Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2010-11 ed. United States. Dept. of Labor. Bureau of labor Statistics. 18 Dec. 2007. Web. 20 Sept. 2009.
You should have at least four to five resources. Most will be online databases, but at the very least one should be a book or encyclopedia. (The campus library has the handout for the MLA format).