Dicuss case study in material handling systems

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Reference no: EM132453766

Case studies In Material handling Systems

Intercity Transportation Company Incorporated specializes in transporting bottled beverages. The company is currently experiencing difficulty in moving pallet loads of bottles from railroad cars into trucks. At the present time a 24-hour (3-shift) operation is maintained. Empty bottles arrive at the plant in railroad cars - three pallets wide in the car. The pallet size is 32" x 37" (block). The pallets are stacked in the railroad car on the 32" side and must be loaded into the trailer on the 37" side. The handling of pallets from the car to the trailer is performed by fork truck. There is a constant supply of railroad cars and trailers.

Handling Operation

The fork truck picks up a pallet in the rail car (0 ft. - 1.5 min.), moves to an open area in the warehouse (20 ft. - 1.25 min.), and drops the load. Backing out of the load entering and picking up the load form the other direction (0 ft - 0.75 min.), the load is then moved to a waiting trailer (30 ft. - 0.30 min.) and the load is placed into the trailer (20 ft. - 0.30 min.). The fork truck then returns to the railroad car and picks up the next pallet load (70 ft. - 2.00 min.). This operation is repeated for each pallet load. A trailer load is 26 pallets and the railroad car contain 39 trailer loads. The present load patterns in the railroad cars and trailers cannot be changed.


Question 1)- Determine the time to place a pallet into the trailer. Using the calculated time as a base time suggest methods for improving the operation.

Question 2)- determine Inventory accumulation in the warehouse per week and space required for the weekly inventory under the following conditions:

Question A)- If there is constant supply of railroad cars and truck.

Question B)- On average there is an average of half hour time between arrivals of consecutive trucks and the overall efficiency of the operations is about 95%

Question C)- List at least 4 areas for improvement (Speed up) of the operations

Reference no: EM132453766

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