Diameter of the hole and the diameter of the bolt

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM13944193

A manufacturing plant produces street light assemblies. As part of the process, they must make bolts that are used to secure the pole to the base. The hole in the base must be compatible with these bolts. The diameter of the bolts, B, is a random variable with a mean of μB=2 centimeters and variance Var(B)=.0016; the diameter of the holes, H, is a random variable with mean μH=2.02 cm. and variance Var(H)=.0025. Since the bolts and bases are produced in different areas of the plant by different personnel, it is reasonable to assume that B and H are independent. Determine the standard deviation of the difference between the diameter of the hole and the diameter of the bolt. (Round your answer to 4 decimal places.)

Reference no: EM13944193

Questions Cloud

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