Diagnosis of anorexia nervosa

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Reference no: EM133602639


The nurse is caring for Kelly, a 14-year-old female, admitted to the eating disorder unit with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. The client reports that a month ago her boyfriend broke up with her and started going out with one of her friends. Since that time, she has been on a very strict 300-calories per day diet for the past month and exercising 4 to 6 hr a day. Kelly states she knows her boyfriend broke up with her because she is so fat, and her friends do not like her anymore. Kelly appears very thin and frail, dressed in layers, with clothing that is too large. Skin is pale and eyes with dark circles underneath. Extremities are cool to touch. No deficit in psychomotor movement or balance. Hair is thin. Vital Signs: BP 98/56, Temp. 97.4 orally, HR 74, Resp. 16, O2 Sat 96% on room air Weight: 84 pounds (38.2 kg); Height: 5' 2"; BMI: 15.4 Labs: K 3.2, Na 131, Glucose 60 mg/dL Bone Scan: -2.1 Orders: The provider has prescribed multivitamins PO daily, polyethylene glycol daily, consult for registered dietitian, individual and group therapy, at hospital school, no activity, and daily weights.

Reference no: EM133602639

Questions Cloud

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