Diagnosed with atrial fibrillation

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133680369


February 10, 2024 you are a new primary care CRNP at a community physician practice. JM is a 68 yo male presents to your primary care office to establish care. He recently presented to the emergency department (1/28/2024) with symptoms of heart racing. In the emergency department he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and started on metoprolol XL 50mg daily.

Reference no: EM133680369

Questions Cloud

What are thoughts on being pseudonymous on the internet : Some internet sites allow users to identify themselves with a pen name or pseudonym. What are your thoughts on being pseudonymous on the internet?
Define as a breakdown of social structure : What term do Coleman and Kerbo define as a breakdown of social structure, so that its various parts no longer work together as smoothly as they should?
What levels of expertise exist in your discourse community : A discourse community acquires special words or vocabulary (lexis). List some special words or vocabulary specific to this community.
Vehicles for determining health care resource allocation : Which of the following vehicles for determining health care resource allocation is MOST likely to invite the greatest number of diverse opinions?
Diagnosed with atrial fibrillation : In the emergency department he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and started on metoprolol XL 50mg daily.
What is community broadly agreed set of common public goals : Notes that a discourse community shares these characteristics: What is your discourse community's broadly agreed set of common public goals?
Discuss how to embed remediation strategies or resources : Discuss how to embed remediation strategies or resources into math, science, and social studies to meet the literacy needs of all students, particularly.
While waiting for the code blue team to arrive : While waiting for the Code Blue Team to arrive, in which order will the nurse perform the steps of resuscitation for a patient in ventricular fibrillation?
How the professional development will meet the needs : How the professional development will meet the needs of adult learners, strengthening the learning environment, and enacting a system change.


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