Reference no: EM13814167
Imagine you are part of a strategic planning group at a large corporation that is considering developing a new proposed product.
The marketing director has asked your team to do a competitive market analysis to determine the product's potential success. The analysis will focus on your primary competitor in the product's market.
Select a potential competitive organization and a product in that organization.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper analyzing the current market conditions. Address the following topics:
A short history of the organization and a description of their product
Factors that affect demand, supply, and prices in the market in which the competitor organization operates
Define the market for your chosen product, including an analysis of its competitors, and customers.
Any issues or opportunities your organization faces that affect its competitiveness and long-term profitability with regards to your product:
This may include but is not limited to the following elements:
Price elasticity of demand
Technological innovation
The relationship between the amount of labor & capital employed and the law of diminishing marginal productivity
Cost structure
Factors affecting variable costs, including productivity and others that change the supply of and demand for labor
Factors affecting fixed costs
Make recommendations on how your organization can maximize their profit-making potential and successfully compete in the new market.
Consider the effect your recommendations may have on marginal revenues and costs.
Group of individuals towards a common goal
: Using the internet and your text, examine how an organization motivates a diverse group of individuals towards a common goal and write a 1-2 page paper on the following:
Decision impacts on stakeholders
: Conduct your own online research to answer the question. Be sure to visit at least three websites and include the URLs in your response.What role does international competition have on business ethics?
Best or worst companies for ethics
: Select a company listed on one of the lists for best or worst companies for ethics. Explain the action(s) that led to the company to be included on the ethical or unethical list.
Explain key ways in which the event that you have identified
: Explain the key ways in which the events that you have identified supported the movement. Provide a rationale for your response.
Devlop a new proposed product
: Imagine you are part of a strategic planning group at a large corporation that is considering developing a new proposed product.
Article which deals with the drug subculture
: Find an article online (2007 or newer) which deals with the drug subculture. Type a summary of the article and include a reference
Conduct academic research on new methods
: Review performance coaching and conduct academic research on new methods. In a 2-3 page report, prepared in APA style with at least two references, do the following:
Describe what kinds of political policies your country hold
: Describe what kinds of political policies your created country (again named YOUR-NAME-HERE-land) would hold and why, and decide which other countries you would align yourself with and why.
Models of conceptualizing addiction
: Compare and contrast two models of conceptualizing addiction. Write a 1,050-to 1,400-word paper briefly describing the models, how they are synergistic, or how they take competing views.