Reference no: EM13366715
Devising a separation policy for termination of employment
Employee Separation Policies and Procedures
The ability to manage employee departures is critical for several reasons. First, a poorly handled and emotionally charged employee departure can create a legal situation. Second, a poorly handled employee departure can create serious morale issues pertaining to the employees left behind. Third, there are a number of financial, workflow and ethical aspects that come with each employee departure that must be managed.
The three key points listed above as well as others make the ability to manage employee departures critically important not only for the organization but also for the HR manager and other managers involved in the decision. The management of employee separations impacts the reputation of an organization as well as the HR department and managers involved. It could lead to loss of revenue, weak recruitment and retention, as well as career opportunities for those involved in employee discharge decisions.
As the HR Manager, it is your task is to assess the critical aspects that must successfully be achieved to minimize negative impact.
For this case assignment, devise a separation policy along with specific procedures that address involuntary and voluntary termination. Also address how various employee compensation programs are affected. You should take under consideration the impact on the organization as well as upon employee morale as you develop your paper. You have the flexibility to build more components into this discussion if you wish.
Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes and/or procedures as you address the above assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers.