Reference no: EM132359679
Road Design and Traffic Management
Task 1: Identify the study area and devise a functional road hierarchy classification:
This part of the group assignment requires you to prepare a functional road hierarchy classification for a small region of metropolitan Adelaide. In pairs, select a small area of the Adelaide metropolitan road network with which you are familiar. The network size should be between one Square Kilometre (sq km) and two sq km (aim for 1.5 sq km; refer to Figure 1 for example for your study area network selection). It will help if the area you choose is one you know well or have a direct interest in (e.g. you live or work there, or you travel through it frequently; however avoid Adelaide CBD, North Adelaide and Oakden suburbs, and it should include roads representing most of the classifications of the functional road hierarchy given below. In your study area, you will be identifying a suitable location for the new development (refer to task 2). So if your chosen study area has a vacant land or non-residential land uses, then it will be appropriate to choose such blocks for the new development. However, if this is not possible then you need to identify suitable land uses at that site for reallocation.
Devise a functional road hierarchy classification for the roads and streets in the selected area. The following functional road classification could be adopted for South Australia.
Make sure to give your reasoning for your classification for all arterial and sub-arterial roads in your study area and for other classifications provide your reasoning for at least one road. If you need, you can get access to South Australian transport datasets.
1. primary arterial roads and freeways,
2. secondary arterial roads,
3. collector roads,
4. local crossing roads, and
5. local access streets.
On a map of the region, draw a boundary around your study area and use a colouring system to identify the road classification. On the same map, also identify existing traffic control devices (like traffic signals, signs etc.) and traffic management measures. Also include existing key activity centres such as a hospital, aged care, schools, major retail, offices, industrial centres etc. Don't forget to include a legend for interpretation. Use any software to develop a digital copy (similar to Figure1) and insert the final version in a word document.
Write a paragraph (include pictures taken at the site; not google earth pictures) describing how you devised the hierarchy for your area, and why road and street sections were allocated to the respective classes in that hierarchy.
Task 2: Development proposal
You have been approached by a developer that wishes to construct a mixed-use development that consists of:
• 1 gymnasium with a gross floor area (GFA) of 1200 square metres. Assume non-CBD rates.
• A medium density residential flat building with:
o 10 x 2 bedroom flats with GFA = 90 square metres each
o 10 x 3 bedroom flats with GFA = 120 square metres each
• 3 office spaces, each with a GFA of 190 square metres.
• 1 restaurant with a GFA of 900 square metres.
Given the trip generation information provided in the RTA's ‘Guide to Traffic Generating Developments' what will be the total trip generation of the development proposal on an average weekday for a whole day and for a peak hour?
What will be the minimum parking requirements assuming that
• The gymnasium requires 1 parking space per 12 square metres GFA,
• The 2 and 3 bedroom flats require at least 1 space per flat,
• The office area requires 1 space per 29 square metres GFA,
• The restaurant requires 1 space per 19 square metres GFA.
In your study area, identify a suitable location for the development. Areas with vacant land or non- residential land uses will be preferred, however, if this is not possible assume that the land uses at that site will be reallocated. Also, consider multiple storeys if the approximate footprint is confined. Consider existing network/s and infrastructure (e.g. public transport provisions, existing land uses) and provide a paragraph explaining the location choice.
It is a development requirement that the car parking will be provided as a single parking location. Identify the parking location with access point/s and write a paragraph that provides reasoning why the access point location/s are appropriate.
Activity 3: Identify problem areas and traffic impact assessment
Identify the other considerations that would be required for a traffic impact assessment of the new development proposal (use bullet points here if you wish).
What are the current problems that you may see in the network study area and potential problems that would be caused by the additional traffic from the development? In a general sense, how would you propose to alleviate these problems? Elaborate any two new traffic management measures (including ITS) to be deployed. Explain in half a page maximum.
You need to upload your final assignment (as a word document) consisting of all the above three tasks for marking.