Devise a flow chart or map of the process

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131918640

From the attached file :

Read U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Developing and Implementing a QI Plan, Part 4: Developing a QI plan.

Read U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Developing and implementing a QI plan: Introduction.

From the perspective of the role you have adopted, work independently to identify the recurring quality problem and determine how the problem results from existing processes and procedures.

Devise a flow chart or map of the process.

After the process is mapped, it becomes clear what interventions are needed.

Define the intervention that will address the problem and who will be involved (whose behavior will change as a result of the quality intervention).

Submit your flow chart per your professor's instructions.

Share your flow chart or map with your group members, and negotiate any differences in the causes and proposed interventions.

Recruit one group member to record the problems and interventions in Section 3 of your group's Quality Improvement Plan template.

Reference no: EM131918640

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