Devise a conceptual model that will best address

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13859201

Database Analysis and Design

Submit the preliminary design of the database. Devise a conceptual model that will best address the scenario you selected for the final project. Your model should include all necessary entities, relationships, attributes, and business rules. Based on the conceptual model, illustrate a logical model for your DBMS that accurately represents all necessary aspects of the DBMS to address the solution. Create a physical database design that builds on the nonphysical (conceptual and logical) models you crafted. This design includes the conceptual and logical models of the database, as well as the physical design of the database.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Analysis and Design

A. Conceptual Model: Based on the business problem or challenge, devise a conceptual model that would best address the problem. Your model should include all necessary entities, relationships, attributes, and business rules.

B. Logical Model: Based on the conceptual model, illustrate a logical model for your DBMS that accurately represents all necessary aspects of the DBMS to address the solution.

C. Physical Design: Create a physical database design that builds on the nonphysical (conceptual and logical) models you crafted.

Reference no: EM13859201

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