Develp a simple model of an object-oriented system

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13838886

Background- your role

As a lead systems developer for iDev3, you have been assigned as a consultant to work with Wrigley Inc (the gum company).
your project consists of developing a prototype applet for web-based inventory management.
to do this, you are going to develp a simple model of an object-oriented system. this model should be able to provide all the working examples of inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism through the use of class,. methods, and objects.
your challenge-Building a comprehensive example

Begin by creating a simple class structure that contains:
Proper User Interface objects
Method(s) for the click of 20 buttons, a calculation that uses dollars and cents.
Allows for user data input and conversion
your interface might look soomthing like this .....
Cost (lbl) ( txt box)
Number of Units ( lbl ) ( txt box)
Total Cost (lbl) ( txt box)
Calculater (Btn ) Clear (Btn)
Considerations - What to include and how to improve your grade

Remark EVERYTHING - use remarks in your code to tell me things like "This is encapsulation of a calss", "This is creating the Parent class", "This is atteched so the codelistens for a click" - do this with everything in your code so I know that you know what the parts are and what they do. Also use remarks in your code to explain the "business process" of what needs to be done for the user to do his/her job and why.
Create multiple methods - you shou d try to creat multiple methods - one for each task.

Reference no: EM13838886

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