Reference no: EM131481145 , Length: word count : 1600
Length of the essay: 1600 words (excluding bibliography and footnotes).
Structure your paper into clearly labeled sections or at least into sections marked as I, II, III...
Your essay must be fully supported by scholarly references (at least EIGHT scholarly references; no Wikipedia and other ‘soft' references).
I want to see clear, compact, spell-checked and grammatically correct writing.
Write in short paragraphs.
Format of essay: 1.5 inch margins on all sides; Font: Garamond; spacing 1.5 lines.
Print on one side of the paper.ESSAY THEME
I. Overview of economic developments in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) economies - or particular regions in SSA, such as West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa - in the new millennium.
Your focus should be on growth rates (of GDP, PCI, exports, imports, and some key sectors, such as manufacturing, mining, agriculture, etc), structural changes in the economy (shares of GDP produced in different major sectors), and shifts in the PQLI (physical quality of life indicators).
First provide a quickoverview of SSA economies during the
(i) colonial period and
(ii) the first three post-war decades,
(iii) and the 1980s and 1990s. Next focus on the economic record for the new millennium.
II. China's economic relations with SSA (or some regions of Africa) and the consequences of these relations for the SSA economies. You may focus on China's trade in goods and services with SSA or China's direct foreign investments in SSA.
III. Has China caught up (or is catching up) with the USA in one of more the following industries in USA, such as manufacturing, transportation, telecommunication, education, science, space exploration, movies, health, etc?
IV. What are cumulative economic costs (including past and future costs) to the United States economy and population of its wars in the Middle East since the 1990s?
V. Are clean energy technologies becoming competitive with coal and oil?
VI. Can the oil-rich Gulf economies survive the collapse in oil prices?