Development requires the differentiation of cells

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133215191

Question: Development requires the differentiation of cells from the general to the specific. This differentiation occurs via the expression of different sets of genes, which are converted to a functional protein via the 'central dogma' of cell biology. These functional proteins signal for differentiation via juxtacrine and paracrine interactions. However, at the very beginning of development, the initial instructions for development come from the cytoplasm, in the form of the maternal contribution. The distribution of proteins and mRNA in the cytoplasm has much of an effect on the earliest stages of development as the zygotic genes do. This brings up an interesting question, what truly guides development? Is it differential gene expression or is it factors within the cytoplasm? Pick a side and defend it using the examples you learned in class. Be sure to define the maternal contribution, juxtacrine, and paracrine interactions, and how they affects development. Outside sources are also permitted. Remember to cite any sources that are not yours.

Reference no: EM133215191

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