Development process of building a website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM133118364

INT1012 Introduction to Web

Assessment - Prototype Website

Assessment Purpose

Prototypes are an important component of website development. They allow developers and clients to see how basic elements of the plan look, feel, and function. And, are a good way to determine whether any aspects don't work, so they can be tweaked.

The purpose of this assessment is to introduce the development process of building a website, by first creating a prototype. The task requires you to produce HTML documents as well as a stylesheet as part of the website prototype.

Assessment Task / Item
For this assessment, you are to develop a website prototype using HTML code, based on the design document you submitted for Assessment 2. This prototype must be submitted as an HTML file type, in a zipped folder.

Assessment Instructions

Your prototype should be produced using HTML code that you produce. This should be done with an appropriate code editor. It should not be copied from another website.

The website should contain content relevant to the theme you have chosen. For example, if the website is about games the images and text should be related to games. Images and text may be sourced from other websites, however, you must reference any items used from external sources using the Harvard referencing style. Place this list in the ‘About' or ‘About us' section of the website.

The prototype must include the following components.
• A minimum of two (2) web pages.
• A logo and a functional navigation bar.
• Relevant text content and headings.
• Images relevant to the topic of the website.
• Valid HTML code.
• CSS code linked from an external stylesheet.
• References for information sourced online.

The website should NOT:
• Contain lorem ipsum, filler text or random characters
• Contain placeholder images that are of no relevance to the website's topic
• Be created from templates or code that has been generated automatically by software
• Be copied from the work of other students
• Be copied from sources other than the ones approved by your teacher.

Attachment:- Prototype Website.rar

Reference no: EM133118364

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