Development of analytical skills

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Reference no: EM133733879 , Length: word count:1000


Please refer to the recent quality management literature (academic journals) and select one article published within the past three years. You may not choose an article that is part of the reading list. The focus of this exercise is on the development of analytical skills. Consult with the lecturer about the appropriateness of the article prior to starting the assessment; then conduct a thorough critique, addressing and considering the following points.

- Overall "message" or objectives of the study/article.
- Relevance of the article to:
1. The broad total quality management literature.
2. Industry practitioners.
3. Economic, social, and environmental decisions and practice.
4. Gaps/weaknesses/limitations of the article.
Note: Be sure you understand what is meant by "critique". Critique is an accepted and established process of orderly scholarly debate. Critique is influenced by the scientific method of analysis. Critique is based upon an informed opinion, and never upon personal opinion. Informed opinion is accepted as being technical knowledge, personal or professional experience, or specified training. If you use other academic journals to inform your opinion, be sure to reference and cite them properly using the Harvard referencing style.

The format of the critique must include the following sections (in clear headings please)

This section is not an executive summary. It is also not a description of the structure of the paper. The purpose of this section is to provide a short summary of the relevance of the theme of the paper. It should be approximately, five per cent of the length of the entire document.

This section must analyse the content of article. It must state the objectives of the article, present a brief summary of the methodology adopted by the authors to achieve the objectives, and present in a concise way, the main findings. It must be at least 30 per cent of the length of the entire document. Gaps, limitations and weaknesses identified in article Gaps typically refer to the area of knowledge under investigation, for instance. Limitations refer to the scope of the study - its "generalisability" and/or applicability of the findings, etc. Weaknesses refer to the article itself: its arguments, methodology, and any problems you might identify in it. This section should be concise and must not exceed 20 per cent of the length of the entire document.

This section must present the implications of the study's findings for:
1. The field of quality management.
2. Industry practitioners.
3. Future implications, for professional or enterprise practice

This section is an important part of your critique that demonstrates your understanding of the implications of the findings. It should be at least 30 per cent of the length of the entire document.

Approximately 5 per cent of the length of the entire document. At least 1,000words. Should not exceed 1,500 words
(Excluding word count in Tables, Figures and Appendices)

Note: Approximate number of words of the document: 1,000 - 1,500 words plus or minus 10 per cent.

Reference no: EM133733879

Questions Cloud

Which side would you have wanted to win : If you were a slave during the American Revolution, which side would you have wanted to win? Why?
Integrated change management is important function : Integrated Change Management is an important function within a project because this approach allows for the likelihood of the project objectives succeeding.
How did whiskey rebellion parallel the american revolution : How did the Whiskey Rebellion parallel the American Revolution?
When do people have a right to revolution : According to the Declaration, when do people have a right to revolution? Why do they have this right?
Development of analytical skills : Development of analytical skills. Consult with the lecturer about the appropriateness of the article prior to starting the assessment
Task group occurring within your local community : You will observe a task group occurring within your local community, either in person or virtually. Explain the group dynamics observed
How did european exploration impact the native population : What kind of different cultural developments might have occurred without European contact? How do these issues continue to reverberate well into present day?
Elementary macroeconomic group think activity : This Elementary Macroeconomic Group Think activity is designed to encourage you to bring together knowledge connecting tools
What are some of the religions that have been embraced : What are some of the religions that have been embraced and adapted by Japanese culture?


Write a Review

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