Development of an argument and calibre of writing

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Reference no: EM131032737 , Length: word count:2000

Course: Australian Art: Image, Issues and Identity Assessment #1 - Tutorial Presentation Assessment 1 Tutorial Presentation.

Each student is required to deliver a tutorial presentation based on the theme/topic/subject of the lecture for the chosen week. The presentation should be a power point and should last for approximately 15 minutes. The power point is to be a summation of a written paper of at least 1000 words.

The written paper is to be submitted electronically in the week of the presentation. The written paper should conform to the protocols required of an essay. Required a power point presentation should last for approximately 15 minutes (required related images and notes) (required dot points) (required bibliography) .. *Required a speech written paper/essay match the power point presentation (please note which slice of the power point)

For the essay, need to give comments to the reading (how well or how bad is the article has been written?) (if it is interesting to read or not?) (what is the article about? - a brief introduction) (would you recommend others to read?) (find some pictures/images and examples to support the article) ect... please add some more similar questions into the essay

. The essay need to have lots of personal thoughts base on after reading the article (please write them not too complex so people can understand what i am trying to say) . Criteria by which the assignments will be assessed are; -ability to structure and develop relevant ideas -depth of research and evidence of critical reading -imagination in evidence -development of an argument and calibre of writing -appropriate presentation of work, including spelling, grammar and referencing

Article- Unpleasant pictures by foreign named artists Australian Responses to Emigre Artists by Janis Wilton and Joseph Eisenberg.

Reference no: EM131032737

Questions Cloud

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Impact of credit crises on dubai financial market : BUS422 - Spring2011. Impact of credit crises on US Financial market liquidity and impact of credit crises on Dubai Financial market.
Development of an argument and calibre of writing : Criteria by which the assignments will be assessed are; -ability to structure and develop relevant ideas -depth of research and evidence of critical reading -imagination in evidence -development of an argument and calibre of writing -appropriate p..
What do the song analyses tell you about the artist views : AFTER you've completed the song analyses, THEN you synthesize the information. What do the song analyses tell you about the artist's views? How does that connect with the artist's life/journey? Was there a significant incident in the person's lif..
Determine the cop of the refrigerator : A commercial refrigerator with refrigerant-134a as the working fluid is used to keep the refrigerated space at -30°C by rejecting its waste heat to cooling water that enters the condenser at 18°C at a rate of 0.25 kg/s and leaves at 26°C.
Determine the coefficient of performance : A refrigerator uses refrigerant-134a as the working fluid and operates on an ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle between 0.12 and 0.7 MPa.
Describe about equilibruim and consumer equilibruim : Describe about equilibruim, consumer equilibruim, firms equilibruim and market equilibruim?


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