Development of a renewable power system modelling package

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Reference no: EM133041330 , Length: word count:2000


The assignment is: Development of a Renewable Power System Modelling Package for the OpenModelica Simulation System.


This assignment is about developing a library, using a Modelica based simulation package, for renewable systems. The models will be layer in detail, in that some of the models will be model the details of enabling technologies, and other "higher" level models will be more behavioral in nature.

The type of package to be developed would include models for such items as:
1. Solar cells, including a solar insolation model
2. Wind turbines, including a wind model
3. Batteries - various types (Lithium, Lead Acid etc.)
4. Fuel Cells
5. Grid connected inverters - single phase, three phase
6. Microgrid interconnections - including load models etc. etc.

As mentioned above, these models will be layered in complexity. For example, a Wind Turbine can be modelled including the on-board inverters, pitch control, variable frequency operation - this is termed micro-modelling. However, it can also be modelled in a behavioural sense, which models it important external characteristics but does not attempt to model the internal details. This is called macro-modelling.

Remark: The general concept of micro and macro modelling can be implemented for many of the above-mentioned models to be developed.

Where to start?
• Start by getting the modelling software. You can use either Dymola, or alternative Wolfram SystemModeler, which can the purchased at reasonable prices for students.

Instructions for installing these Modelica packages are available. There is Open source Modelica simulation package called "OpenModelica", which is Available at

• The "Bible" for the Modelica language is the book "Principles of Objected-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 3.3 - A Cyber-Physical Approach" by Peter Fritzson. IEEE Press/Wiley, ISBN: 9781118859124.

This is an excellent book if you need to get into the details of Modelica modelling.

In terms of starting a model do the following.

• Start with the development of solar cell models. This will require doing some research. There are some models for solar cells available in the InverterPartslibrary that you will be given, but you should be looking to further develop these models so that real data from solar cell data sheets can be used to set the parameters in the model. Numerically stability of the models is important - they should reliably simulate. I would suggest setting up some Python or Modelica scripts to take in the standard data sheet data and convert it into the parameters required for the modelling.

• Validation of your models is important, so if you can find some real experimental data for solar cells with known data sheet parameters this will enable you to validate the Modelica models.

• Inclusion of solar insolation (i.e. sunlight input) into your modelling environment.

This will allow you download data from the Internet to simulate the sun intensity at specific locations on the planet.


• Make sure that the Notes sent on Solar Cell theory and simulation modelling paper have been sent.
• Immediate next steps:
- Understand the theory of operation of a solar cell and how the models are developed using the diode equation.
- thorough literature review on the state-of-the-art with respect to the modelling and simulation of solar cells and panels. The paper sent to you is a start on this.
- in the literature review consider how to model second order effects such as partial shading of cells.
- When a selection of solar cell/panel simulation models are developed from the papers read, develop techniques to map the panel manufacturers cell parameters to your simulation models.
• Another aspect of modelling real solar installations is getting the insolation (i.e. the amount of sun) data into the simulation of a real system. Need a way of importing such data into the simulation in a way that can be used in the simulation modelling of a real site for solar power.

• Modelling of the solar farm/site interface to the grid. Two levels of modelling

- detailed - i.e. modelling the fine details of the grid interface converter.
- behavioural/functional - a more macro modelling approach that models the main terminal characteristics of the grid interface inverter.

- The interface interfacing model would also consider the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms for the inverter. There are a number of different library models that can be developed for different MPPT algorithms.

Attachment:- Renewable Power System.rar

Reference no: EM133041330

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