Development of a new technology like mobile banking

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131316617

Apply the four frames of organizations to a possible project that involves the development of a new technology like mobile banking, online retail, or social media. Work with two other class members in a virtual environment on this exercise. Write a short paper or presentation that summarizes your analysis and opinions of how working virtually helped or hindered your results

Reference no: EM131316617

Questions Cloud

Future value of an annuity-saving for retirement : Your client is 26 years old. She wants to begin saving for retirement, with the first payment to come one year from now. She can save $2,000 per year; and you advise her to invest it in the stock market, which you expect to provide an average return ..
Describe your perception of the accuracy of the measures : Explain the scores you received on the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire. Describe your perception of the accuracy of these measures. Discuss the implications of the scores for your effectiveness as a leader.
How did addiction physically affect the individuals involved : How did this addiction physically affect the individuals involved? In what way did the addiction affect work and relationships? What were the long-term health problems associated with the addiction, if any?
Summarize an episode of anderson cooper : Summarize an episode of Anderson Cooper 360 that you believe is related to the course material. Summarize an episode of Mad Money CNBC that you believe is related to the course material
Development of a new technology like mobile banking : Write a short paper or presentation that summarizes your analysis and opinions of how working virtually helped or hindered your results
Effective rate of interest : Find the interest rates earned on each of the following. You borrow $690 and promise to pay back $759 at the end of 1 year. You lend $690 and the borrower promises to pay you $759 at the end of 1 year.
How would you change copyright and intellectual property law : How would you change Copyrights and intellectual property laws? These laws have the potential to break a start-up. Does the Open movement have the answers?
Growth rates-what rate have sales been growing : Sawyer Corporation's 2015 sales were $8 million. Its 2010 sales were $4 million. At what rate have sales been growing?
Relationship between marketing and sales force strategies : Discuss what a new manager experiences when promoted from a sales job.- What are the various types of sales managers and the skills required of them?.


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