Development of a long-term relationship

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131822319

Select a potential business product or service for inclusion or start-up to import/export for the development of a long-term relationship for your IB. As we study material in upcoming modules and develop a deeper understanding of IB and the factors that make successful businesses this IB country selection, product or service selection, and business or organizational alliance or partnership will continue to be developed

- APA format (most current edition)
- Cover/Title
- Abstract
- References
- 2 - 3 pages of content not including cover, abstract or references
- Include headers and page numbers
- In-text citations (as appropriate)
- Two to three pages of text body
- Double-spaced
- Font size = Times New Roman 12 pitch
- Writing should be in the third person unless you use a personal example from your experience.
- A brief personal experience passage can be written from the first person perspective.
- These IB Analysis paper assignments require research from materials (books, articles, websites, etc.) outside the information provided in course modules.
- Wikipedia and other non-vetted resources cannot be provided as references.
- Wikipedia can be used as a starting point for research. Develop your scholarly references using vetted sources provided by Wikipedia.
- You are expected to provide a minimum of two references outside of the course materials for each paper.
- Each reference should be provided in the current APA format on the references page(s) and show the actual information by paraphrase or quote with in-text citations in the body of the paper.
- Paraphrasing reference material is the preferred method for providing information.
- Quotations should only be used if paraphrasing does not convey the message required by the paper author.
- Figures, tables, graphs, or pictures should not be used for these short papers.
- Keep your ideas, information and recommendations brief and to the point.

- Determine the IB Analysis issue or issues for each assignment.
- Paper Requirement:
o Summarize IB Analysis issue
o State the problem
o State significance of the problem
o Provide two (2) alternative actions with advantages and disadvantages of each alternative
o Provide your recommendation
o Minimum of two references should be used/cited in each IB Analysis paper
- Note that each reference will require an appropriate APA citation in the body of the paper (ensure your work is your own - cite all sources, Wikipedia should not be used as reference material).

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In the current assignment we have taken a product of our choice and we have discussed about how the initial business of the product would be conducted. There are five parts. First part explains choosing of product and the various factors that affect the success of the business. Second and third part explains the problems that are faced while conducting business and how significant such problems are. The third and fourth part discusses about two countries and choosing one of them on the basis of ease of conducting business.

Reference no: EM131822319

Questions Cloud

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Development of a long-term relationship : Develop a deeper understanding of IB and the factors that make successful businesses this IB country selection, product or service selection, and business
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1/19/2018 1:59:58 AM

the "product" is professional athletes and how they are used to market and sell various items.*** 1.Summarize your product selection and identify the political, economic, and legal systems as well as cultural or ethical considerations that would contribute to the success of your IB. 2.What problems may be associated with the introduction, operations, marketing, sales, or customer service of your IB? 3.How significant are the problems? 4.Provide two alternative country selections for your IB with advantages and disadvantages of each country selection. 5.Based on your research, provide your recommendation of the best possible country and product selection for your IB and why.

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