Development activities and configuration management

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13820244

Development Activities and Configuration Management

1. Compare and contrast the key differences in agile and non-agile approaches specific to implementation.

2.  Explain how efficiency and reusability can sometimes be competing implementation qualities. Provide an example to support your answer.


3.  Explain why the use of global variables works against the principle of information hiding. Give an example of when this can lead to program errors.

4. Describe how the principle of ‘‘Enforce Intentions'' leads to improved code quality. Provide at least three examples to support your answer.

5. Describe in your own words the advantages of specifying preconditions, postconditions, and invariants. How, specifically, do they help to increase the quality of functions?

6. Describe two to four advantages and one or two disadvantages of enforcing coding standards.

7. Explain why the use of global variables works against the principle of information hiding. Give an example of when this can lead to program errors.

8. Suppose that you are about to code a method. What are the major sources describing for you what this method is to do?

Reference no: EM13820244

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