Reference no: EM132891943
OUpm016111 Curriculum Development - Open University of Mauritius
Curriculum Development
You are advised to read the question well and make sure that you respect the criteria set.
1. You are required to answer all the different parts of the questions for the assignment and not to exceed the word limit of 2000. Relevant materials can be added as appendices.
2. You are requested to refer to and comply with the assignment guidelines of OUM.
3. You are expected to produce an original piece of work and abide by the regulations of the Anti-Plagiarism Policy of OUM. The Turnitin Digital Receipt and the Similarity Index Report should be inserted in the assignment just after the Assignment Cover Page.
4. The assignment should be word processed in Arial or Calibri Light Font, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified and spirally bound.
5. The assignment should be submitted through Turnitin on the OULearn/Moodle platform ONLY.
6. In your assignment, you are expected to demonstrate that you have read and understood the topics/themes addressed in the module. The published work mentioned in the text must be clearly and fully referenced using the Harvard Referencing style. You will need to show that you have understood the key concepts and can reflect critically upon how they might be applied in your school and field of work. A balance between theory and practice (though not necessarily equal) is expected in your work. In addition, you should remember that description alone is inadequate; you will need to demonstrate skills in analysis and synthesis. The assignment is intended to be an integrate part of your learning from the module, your wider reading and your professional experience.
7. You are advised to keep a copy of your assignment for your personal reference. You are advised to read the assignment well and also make sure that you respect the criteria set.
Assignment Curriculum Development
National Curriculum Frameworks around the world basically serve as a guideline for syllabus, textbooks, and teaching practices for the schools and act as pillars for the educational systems. Their underlying philosophy is to guide and provide the direction and the goal of education and strives towards developing the potential of the learners in a holistic and integrated manner - intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious - with a view to empowering them for the real world of tomorrow.
The Mauritian National Curriculum Framework of 2017, in its Curriculum for Basic Education, has recommended these four guiding principles for the 21st century learners - a) Holistic Development, b) Inclusive and Equitable, c) Lifelong Learning and, lastly, (d) Quality Learning Time.
Choose any one among these four guiding principles recommended and show how do you apply and implement it in your learning area/s and subject/s. Support with examples.
Attachment:- Curriculum Development.rar