Developing the employee schedules for the retail stores

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131886972

Using the library and other course resources, consider what are the parameters and considerations that must be made when developing the employee schedules for the retail stores at Feets. Are there software packages to assist in this activity?

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The identification of the parameters and considerations is of great importance f the development of the employee schedules as it helps in facilitating the desired growth of the entire firm concerned. The schedule that is going to be developed should be made easy and flexible as per the suitability of the business processes and for the employees. The flexible work schedules helps in providing more energy to the employees as well as it encourages the employees to get associated with the organization. On the other hand, the consideration of the new and latest software will help in evaluating the efficiency of the entire business activities concerned. One of the software that contributes towards the development of the work schedules is POS system software. Few of the software are punch cards, magnetic tape which improve the development of the work schedules for the list of employees.

Reference no: EM131886972

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